Pride Month June 2009

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Pride Month June 2009

Pride Month June 2009

Your destination for LGBT arts, culture and entertainment.

June is recognized as Pride Month by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community worldwide. Events are held in June to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in New York City on June 28, 1969, which most historians consider to be the birth of the modern LGBT civil rights movement. At the time, police raids on bars catering to LGBT patrons were common, but that night, the patrons of the Stonewall Inn fought back. While historical accounts of the night vary, the violent response ignited a national firestorm of activism that brought new visibility to the struggle for LGBT equality.

West Hollywood Pride Month builds upon the historic beginnings of Pride with its roots in the social and political struggles of the LGBT community via arts and cultural activities and broader understanding of Pride as a component of community and civic involvement.

One City. One Pride.

Be a part of the celebration and enjoy the artistic and cultural spirit of the LGBT community in West Hollywood by attending these performances, exhibits and exciting events presented by arts, cultural and community organizations.

Dates, times and events are subject to change so make sure to check with the organization in advance.

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