Top 5 Hollywood celebs-PICS,PHOTOS,NEWS

Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

Top 5 Hollywood celebs-PICS,PHOTOS,NEWS

#5 Naomi Campbell

Yes, Earth Kitt`s gone. But her Catwoman will be immortalised forever and roams the earth in the form of Naomi Campbell. Get set for a New Year brawl!

#4 Lindsay Lohan

Does one need a reason as to why not to party with Lohan? Disney`s wild-child has Catfight and DUI on her list of to-do-things tonight. Want a ride?

#3 Britney Spears

She`s mellowed down and is working her way back to the top with an awesome comeback. She parties less and works hard. But if you do jiggy with her when she`s letting her hair down, you`re bound to get a warning. No, not from the cop, not your mom but of all the people in the world, the lousy rapper and ex-husband, K-Fed!

#2 Amy Winehouse

There are a number of things this soul-stirring singer could do. She could either throw up on your designer wear after a drinking binge or give you one tight slap. You`d be lucky if she chooses to dance topless instead.

#1 Tom Cruise

You never know when he’d start jumping on your couch. He could even ruin all your favourite numbers with a godawful Karaoke version. If given a choice, we`d opt for his Elvis`s a safer bet.

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