Embattled Reality Star Jon Gosselin Consulting With a Rabbi to "Reconnect More Altruistic Self.

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

Embattled Reality Star Jon Gosselin Consulting With a Rabbi to "Reconnect More Altruistic Self.

Embattled reality star Jon Gosselin admits he got "carried away by the challenges of fame" and is consulting with a rabbi to "reconnect with my deeper, more spiritual, more altruistic self."In a statement, the 32-year-old father of eight (who has said he's "half Jewish and half Korean") tells Usmagazine.com:"I am troubled to learn that the media has accepted as true the scurrilous rumor that I would appear in a reality television program with Nadya Suleman. This is utterly false."I do, however, accept that some of my previous actions have in some way lent credence to such outrageous stories.I am well aware that my behavior over the past few months has not always reflected my personal and religious values. I further accept that I have allowed myself to become somewhat severed from my own moral anchor and be carried away by the challenges of fame.


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